As a final gift before my departure for Portland, I created a new LED mirror display as a gift for the Dallas Makerspace.  It used a raspberry pi, a custom-built picture frame with a faux finish to help blend in the camera mounted at the top of the frame.   It is on display in the lobby of the Dallas Makerspace.  

Interactive Electronic Art Mirror
Electronic Art Interactive Mirror


n 2013, I was commissioned by Jenny Vogel to figure out how to build a programmable light sequencer installation at the MAC gallery.  Her vision was to be able to control the lights with morse code to deliver a message to the audience.  I had to devise a system that would work with the
limitations of the gallery space and power regulations.  We achieved this by building her a series of customizable lighting control units for her project. The lighting units were designed to be motion triggered to respond in morse code for a 3 month-long installation.

Electronic Art Lighting Relay
Electronic Art Lighting Installation


This is my interpretation of the Tv-B-Gone, originally developed by Cornfield Electronics.

This was a very fun project to build. I have produced several different versions of this device, all of which are housed with very discrete packaging so that bystanders will not realize where the remote signal is coming from. The display case folds up nicely into a suitcase, which comes equipped with a shoulder strap, so this can be displayed on the go.

Electronic Art Discrete TV B Gone
Electronic Art Discrete TV B Gone


These are images of some of the circuitbent work that I had created over the years, which I performed with onstage and sold as custom commissions.

Interactive seashell synth. Each shell had a pressure sensor underneath it so it could be pressed to produce a variable pitch.

Electronic Art DIY Synthesizer

This was a light-reactive synthesizer I installed inside of a gutted radio. The power button for the radio was repurposed to control the sound output of the synthesizer.

Interactive Electronic Art DIY Synthesizer

This was a sound synthesizer I housed inside of an old instamatic camera. The audio jacks were placed inside the viewfinder so it could be connected to an external speaker.

Electronic Art Synthesizer Maker

This was a custom circuitbent creation made for the band Asex Tapes. I made the tape deck detachable so that it could be incorporated for added audio manipulation.

Electronic Art DIY Synthesizer

These were custom made circuitbent creations which I used for several years during performances. The unit was derived from a tape deck which had a built-in echo effect, which was the source for the majority of the bends. Much thanks to Casper Electronics for detailing some of the best bends available for this unit.

Electronic Art Synthesizer DIY

This was the first circuit I ever made.  All components built inside for standalone use.  Played like a keyboard with pitchbend photocell.  Can opener required to change batteries.

Electronic Art Homemade Synthesizer