I was commissioned by Digital Dallas and Tech Week to create two interactive electronic installations, which utilized interactive sound sculptures and OpenFrameworks driven interactive projections.

I later installed the dance wall at the gallery opening for Jason Mehl during his residency at the Fairmont in Dallas.  The projections were accompanied by performance artist Tara Baker. 

Tech Art Interactive Dance Wall

The first creation was an interactive seating installation that  I (LadyBrain Studios) created in collaboration with Multiforms, with programming help from Steve Wylie.  It had two custom CNC milled seating arrangements which were installed with LEDs and transducer speakers.  There was a central control station loaded with ultrasonic proximity sensors that would change the illumination, speed, and frequency response of the seating arrangement when the user interacted with the proximity sensors.

Digital Dallas / Tech Week Interactive Furniture
Digital Dallas / Tech Week Interactive Furniture

The second creation I made was an interactive rear-projection wall that used depth information from a Kinect to trigger fluid animations on the screen.  It could be customized to sense a larger field in front of the screen so that you could ‘dance’ in front of the screen to trigger animations.  You could alternatively set the proximity sensing to just a few inches in front of the screen so that it would act as a digital painting wall, allowing the user to draw brushstrokes across the screen with their hands.

Digital Dallas / Tech Week Interactive Art Dance Wall
Digital Dallas / Tech Week Interactive Art Dance Wall
Digital Dallas / Tech Week Interactive Art Dance Wall